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  • Turn the wheel representing the reflex zones on the body until you find which one or ones you want to improve, among the hundreds of conditions in alphabetical order.   Identify each illustration on the reflexology point suggested and massage the spot for the time it takes to take three deep breaths.

  • Turn the wheel representing the reflex zones on the body until you find which one or ones you want to improve, among the hundreds of conditions in alphabetical order. Identify each illustration on the reflexology point suggested and massage the spot for the time it takes to take three deep breaths.  

  • Turn the wheel representing the reflex zones on the body until you find which one or ones you want to improve, among the hundreds of conditions in alphabetical order. Identify each illustration on the reflexology point suggested and massage the spot for the time it takes to take three deep breaths.

  • Poster printed on superior-quality paper plasticized on both sides with two metallic reinforced perforations to facilitate installation.

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