This gel is used in spa wrap treatments. This anti-cellulite care firms up, slims and revitalizes. Ingredients: Seaweeds, grape seed extracts, laminars
Author. Madeleine Turgeon N.D. This work is easy to consult, whether you’re a laymen or a professional. The housewife, for example, will appreciate learnign these easy to apply techniques; the Yogi will vibrate in complete harmony with the universe by stimulating his reflex points.
Author U. Storck A reminder of the indispensable knowledge on the musculoskeletal system needed for practicing the art of massage. Explanations of indications and contraindications, as well as of some methods. Presentations of clinical examinations. With practical exercises.
Authors. In. J.-F Chantepie/. Pérot This work presents structural spinal techniques constituting the base of osteopathic techniques using high-velocity with low-amplitude thrusts.
Authors. In. Chantepie / J-F.Pérot In osteopathy, emergency situations are often difficult to manage. Whether the case is a first visit or a non scheduled arrival of a patient with an important movement problem or someone who is still suffering from debilitating acute pain, these situations are always delicate.
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