Authors. B. Huteau / f. Bourdais / o. Usureau This work has been conceived as a supportive aid for student apprenticeship, as well as an educational support for the teacher and a reference textbook for the professional. Its objective is to reconcile the holistic dimension of osteopathic diagnosis and its intrinsic complexity.
Authors. In. J.-F Chantepie/. Pérot This work presents structural spinal techniques constituting the base of osteopathic techniques using high-velocity with low-amplitude thrusts.
Authors. J.Buchbauer /K. Steininger This work is for physiotherapists, sports coaches, doctors and educational professionals. The authors propose, with 100 varied exercises, protocols of twenty weeks each, adapted to each specific case.
Authors. Torsten Liem / T.K. Dobler The information is presented in a condensed booklet; an important tool that can be used daily in the practise of osteopathy. The themes: therapy, contraindications and progression; techniques (myotensives, HLVA, specific adjustment techniques, Sutherland and Blagrave); history and philosophy.
Authors. A.S. Nicholas / E.A. Nicholas The Atlas of osteopathic techniques is to this day the most complete colour atlas of manipulation techniques in osteopathy. This work, practical and essential, describes 350 manipulation techniques step by step.
Author. Joseph E. Muscolino Muscular palpation is often reduced to the theoretical knowledge of muscle locations; where to place the fingers in the proper place on the body. But we are never quite certain if we have reached the proper location, or even if we have targeted the right muscle. The Manuel of Bone and Muscular Palpation by J.
Author Claudia Focks This exceptionally designed Acupuncture Atlas is easy to understand and consult and provides precise information on the full range of acupuncture points and main channels in a systematic and clear way. Each of these points combines anatomical drawings and photographs of surface anatomy.
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